Our plus

We provide concrete and pragmatic support:

To those who need to design new materials / compounds and perform rheometric characterizations for mapping and quantifying stresses, deformations and orientation in flows, with emphasis in the extensional field in the various channel’s geometries or in downstream operation like blowing, strand palettization or spinning of fibers.

To those who need to design and manufacture process equipment and layouts (co-extrusion heads / dies, extruders, downstream equipment) for specific industrial applications where knowledge of the shear characteristics but above all in elongation are vital.

Who must study the extrusion process and its efficiency based on the rheological response of the materials and their stability when changing extrusion settings.

To producers and converter of materials, or to deepen the intimate rheological aspects that cannot be captured with conventional approaches and that can make the difference.

To those who need material consultation, for proper material selection, design review, feasibility study.

To those who want to acquire mastery in dealing with and solving problems and improve business by distinguishing themselves from competitors.

We use a scale-industrial device that is a platform for rheometry examinations, having extruders as a base and that can be equipped with different tooling and flow geometries.

The system allows to perform extensional measurements on materials, in a wide range of temperatures and flow deformations.

Shear and extensional measurements carried out in a single step can provide information concerning viscosity in the shear component and extensional, its distribution and extent within the geometry used. This can also lead to measurement of thermal stability, contraction, relaxation, fragility, adhesion in the case of different polymers, deduction and comparison on molecular structure and branching.

The molten polymers: in many cases they are really quite weird and give rise to unexpected effects and spectacular

Rheology is concerned with measuring the stress in a material or the applied force and relating it to its deformation and the flow of the material. Understanding the flow properties of polymers through tests directly on extrusion-connected equipment can help optimize products and process conditions, thus saving costs and minimizing potential waste.

The results can be applied to diagnostics, design or optimization of equipment and processes, using quantitative measurements of the rheology of polymers. The rheological data we generate and the information we can provide to your development process can help ensure that the properties of the polymer meet the specifications for end use and product quality.

Measurement of extensional properties in transient and steady state, as a tool to predict and solve problems of the flow behavior of polymers in many common forming processes such as extrusion and co-extrusion profiles, spiral tubes, blowing, melt spinning, strand pelletizationcoating, foaming.